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Your Guide to an Effective Post-Holiday Cleanse

The holiday season often comes much well-deserved indulgences, from snacking on your favourite foods to decadent feasts with loved ones. But unsurprisingly, that can also leave us feeling sluggish and bloated.

Fortunately, there are gentle and effective ways to cleanse our bodies and rejuvenate our minds without the need for unsustainable crash diets, juice cleanses and way too much exercise.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

One of the simplest and most effective ways to cleanse your body is to prioritise hydration. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins, aids digestion, and rehydrates your body after consuming excess salt, sugar, and alcohol. Consider adding slices of lemon or cucumber to your water for a refreshing twist and an extra dose of detoxification.

Embrace Nutrient-Dense Foods

Opt for leafy greens, colourful berries, cruciferous vegetables, and grass-fed lean proteins to replenish your body with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Green smoothies, salads, and roasted vegetable bowls are delicious ways to pack in nutrients and support your body's natural detoxification processes.

Reset Your Plate Proportions

Heard of the famous quote by Michael Pollen "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."? We may be used to thinking of vegetables as a side dish, but experts now agree that about 75% of our plates should be made up of plants (non-starchy vegetables and low-GI fruits), with high quality protein and healthy fats making up the other 25%. 

Prioritise Rest

If your holiday break was more stressful than relaxing, now is the time to make time for self-care, allowing yourself to find deep rest. Practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises or gentle yoga to reduce stress levels, and of course - sleep! Getting enough good quality sleep is essential for your body to repair and rejuvenate itself, so aim for at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to support your body's natural cleansing processes.

If you struggle with falling asleep or find yourself waking in the middle of the night and have a hard time getting back to sleep, support your circadian rhythm by avoiding screens or stimulating activity in the evenings, eating a lighter dinner and taking Profound Sleep 30 minutes before bed.

Engage in Activities that Induce Hormesis

Hormesis is a biological phenomenon in which exposure to low doses of a stressor or toxin results in beneficial effects, while exposure to higher doses may be harmful or toxic. Essentially, hormesis suggests that what doesn't kill you might actually make you stronger as it stimulates the body's detoxification mechanisms, leading to improved resilience and overall health.

There are many ways you could activate hormesis in your body. Some methods include sauna use and ice baths (try for thrice a week), intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating (daily) and high-intensity interval training (thrice a week). 

Incorporate Detoxifying Herbs and Compounds

Certain herbs and teas have natural detoxifying properties that can support your body's cleansing process. Ginger, turmeric, dandelion root, and milk thistle are renowned for their ability to aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and promote liver health. Enjoy these herbs as teas, add them to your meals, or consider taking them in supplement form to enhance your detoxification efforts gently.

Broccoli sprouts are also a powerful detoxifying plant as it contains a compound called sulforaphane which, once ingested, activates the antioxidant systems within our cells to reduce free radical damage in the body.

Get your daily dose of sulforaphane in CellProtect Complex, featuring SIRTCell™ Broccoli sprout concentrate, organic Nigella seed extract and key vitamins and minerals to reduce free radical damage, support cellular detoxification and revitalise yourself from within.

Find out more here.


  • Genuis, S. J. (2010). The role of environmental factors in the etiology of gastrointestinal disease: emphasis on the perfusion of the gut with waste products from the liver and the environment. Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology, 3, 29–49.
  • Maughan, R. J., & Leiper, J. B. (1995). Alcohol, body fluid balance, and exercise. Nutrition Reviews, 53(4 Pt 1), 91–94.
  • Sears, M. E., Kerr, K. J., & Bray, R. I. (2012). Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat: a systematic review. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2012, 184745.
  • Volpe, S. L. (2014). Magnesium in disease prevention and overall health. Advances in Nutrition, 5(2), 177–179.
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