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Episode #12 - The Feminine/Masculine Balance and Generational Healing with Montana Lower

Montana is an environmental engineer, artist, activist, devoted mother, and founder of Bluem, an Australian natural skincare brand committed to re-wilding the beauty industry to heal the people and the planet.

Launched in 2020, Bluem's profit-for-purpose model combats climate change and fosters a connection with nature, inspiring change among Montana's 250,000+ conscious community. 

Montana's diverse journey, from environmental engineering to international modeling, has been enriched by her global explorations, exposing the realities of foreign trade and the dark side of the beauty industry. These experiences have shaped Bluem's essence, redefining the narratives of beauty and paving the way for truly sustainable skincare. 

Montana envisions Bluem evolving beyond skincare, offering sustainable self-care for everyday needs that are long term healing solutions, uniting self-worth and the well-being of our planet in harmonious synergy.

In this episode, Montana and Gabe chat about: 

  • The connection between the rebirth of Bluem and her personal evolution
  • The importance of generational healing and what it means to her
  • How her unique upbringing sparked curiosity and inspired her to dream bigger
  • How she embodies her feminine energy while honouring the masculine especially as a leader in business and life
  • The nexus between intuitive awareness and the energetics of nature
  • Empowering indigenous communities through her business
  • The dark side of the beauty industry and the reductionist approach towards natural medicine
  • And much more!
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